Monday, August 25, 2014

Goodbye Ready? Set. Write!

Ready? Set. Write! is a way for writers to keep in touch with each other and keep themselves accountable to the goals they set. This year it's hosted by Katy Upperman, Alison Miller, Jamie Morrow and Erin Funk. Check out their blogs for more details and be sure to link up each week.

How I did on my goals?

1. I'm sticking with the goal my CPs and I came up with last month and that's completing my current WIP, a YA contemporary titled When The Wind Blows, by June 30th. To do that I need roughly around 1000 words per day to finish on time. As of now I'm on track to finish. I'm at 42K and usually draft around 55K-60K words.

2. After that it'll be revising WTWB. I'm not 100% sure how much time that'll take and exactly how I'll go about it until I'm finished, so I'm playing that by ear. Everyone always says let the draft sit but I write so slow the first half basically is and by the time I get to the end it will have.
3. I also need to think about a query letter...and I'd rather not. I'll fit that in somewhere down the road.

4. I want to keep up with reading at least one to two books a week. I set my book goal for the year at 80 and am already around 66 or 67 books. Hoping I can make it to 100.
5. Get to the beach more often this summer and visit the Gulfarium again (of course taking kiddo along). Both are a huge inspiration to WTWBs.

A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised


The biggest challenge I faced this summer

Myself, honestly. Making myself work. I'm glad I did.

This book is done. You know, for now. I'm so glad I did RSW this summer. It really helped me get this book done. I finished the first draft, edited, revised the whole thing and edited it again. Wrote a basic synopsis and wrote the query (then rewrote again and again). And now I'm ready to query it. Well, it's ready, I'm not. No matter how many times I do it, t's still scary to hit send. But I'll get there. Eventually.

I managed to read at least 1 1/2 books each week, some weeks I read more, so it evened out. I'm on book number 81 of the year so I'll get to 100 and pass it.

Went to the beach a few times. Never managed to get to the Gulfarium, though we drove by it a few times. Maybe once the tourists are gone or something.

Overall I'm very proud of what I accomplished this summer.


Alison Miller said...

OHMYGOODNESS! You accomplished so much this summer! And yes - isn't typing THE END the best feeling. Bittersweet in ways, but so, so nice. :) SO GLAD that you participated with us this summer and that you were able to finish a draft. Go YOU!

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