At 4:30 the director called telling me he had a fever and needed to be picked up. I left work, making arrangements to be out the next day (fever means you're out for 24 hours after fevers gone). I don't take many sick days, so I was looking forward to a day off. I got a bit of work done on my WIP and also spent time with my son.
By Wednesday night I had a sore throat and headache. I knew when I woke up Thursday morning with a fever I had strep (I've had strep almost once a year since I can remember, I just know). I went to the Drs and they confirmed it, saying I had to be out of work for two days. I let work know, filled my Rx and got some supplies, then headed home. I didn't feel too bad at this point, but it all went down from there.
Fever rose (highest 102.7), throat became more swollen, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I couldn't even open my lap top (this is the first time since Wednesday that I've opened it). I couldn't read either. All I did was lay around while watching a show on Netflix. And finally today I feel human again. No fever, throat isn't as tender (aside from cough) and I feel rested. Now I'm sure you're wondering what the reason for this post is. I'll explain.
Somewhere around the third time my temp rose, I started to think "I'm done." I'm done with my WIP. Done with writing, blogging, trying to get into running, all of it. I'm tired of getting up extra early to exercise and write. I'm tired of my MC's taking over my brain. I'm tired of wondering when I can fit in a run. It's too much with a family (husband works long hours and son is almost 4, into everything) and working a full time job.
But the truth is we all have these moments. Days where the world seems to fall in on us and we can't breathe. Although it's been a rough one, these sick days have helped. I took a break from writing, blogging, twitter, all of it and am now refreshed and ready to go. And I can't wait to get back to it all. But only after finishing a read through for my newest crit partner who's been so understanding.
I never feel like writing when I'm under the weather too. It's like my mind can't spare the effort to write. Glad you're feeling better and ready to write again. =)
I'm so sorry for the pit you were in, but be proud you pulled yourself out of it! =)
Ah! That would be awful. You're so involved in the writing world! I think we all go through that, though, especially when we're feeling sick/frustrated/received one too many rejections...etc. Glad you're fully rested again and ready to get back to writing :)
It was definitely the sickness talking! I'm glad you're feeling better and that you didn't quit, 'cause you're a talented writer. ;)
Oh Mandie, I am so sorry to hear you were sick. I had no idea! Strep throat is the WORST. Two years ago I got it, and then not even a week later I got the FLU! Talk about kicking someone on their ass. It was awful lol.
We all have moments in life that we just want to throw in the towel & give up. I know I do! That's when you have to remember why you chose to take on so many tasks. There was a point to all this in there, somewhere. Hold on to those reasons and pull yourself through. Glad to have you back!
Thanks all! Feeling MUCH better now, mentally and physically. I don't know what came over me, I'm pretty sure it was the fever. I've just never felt that strongly about quitting something! So glad I snapped out of it.
Cool! I'm a fan of music posts cause then I just let them play while I'm doing my morning blogging:) Awesome list! And great blog you have here! glad to have found you! New follower:)
Wow I hadn't heard of any of these songs!! But I like them now! Thanks for sharing. Your blog is superb, btw. I tend to lurk more than comment due to my general lack of free time ;)
Okay, how did I start to comment on the songs post and end up commenting on a totally different post??
*I'm scared*
And now that I've read this one, I'm sorry you're having a crummy time! And it actually makes me feel better to read that you got all bummed out the writing world and felt like quitting... that happens to me all the time and I often wonder if it's just me.
I know I'm so late reading this post. But OMG, I'm so sorry you were sick :(. I got strep once a year for a few years, but somehow I got immune or something. I know what you mean - you just know when you have strep. It feels a certain way.
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