TGIF is a fun post created by Ginger at GReads. It’s to recap what you’ve posted about through the week and Ginger asks a fun book related question.
Friday, March 30th - Book Blogger's Retreat: If you could gather up a handful of book blogger friends to spend a weekend away talking books, where would you go? Tell us about it.
This is such a fun, awesome question. And there are a few book bloggers that I would love to be able to meet in real life, and some I may get the chance to down the line. Though I'm torn between two things, so I'm going to have two answers.
For my first getaway, I'm thinking something fun and simple (something that I know could actually happen). A trip to the beach! I used to live RIGHT near the beach and loved it. We could lay on the sand talking books, go around the city finding different bookstores, have dinner at a local restaurant and get drinks later at a small bar.
For my DREAM (as in I doubt it would ever happen but wouldn't it be fun) getaway, I'd have to pick a book event. Something like ALA or BEA in New York. This is one that I would love to happen, but I'd have to become super rich super fast. Maybe I should start playing the they had it in this state.
So where would you go?
This week on the blog:
Make sure you check out my giveaway!
Tune In Tuesday - The last of the book play list edition
I've also got two reviews (A Million Suns and The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight) up on the Quest for Books site. More to come.
January Check In: What Have You Been Reading?
6 years ago