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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Currently May 24th 2016

To keep up blogging I decided to join Katy Upperman in her CURRENTLY blog posting. Plan to do it every other Tuesday (you can see her original post here).


That school is coming to an end. Only 7 days left. Yes, I'm a working mom and my son goes to day care but it is a lot less stressful to drop him off for a day of friends and fun than making sure homework is done and tests are studied for.


The Winner's Kiss. I'm going slow. Not ready for the series to end.


The OC. I adore this show!

Listening To...

The Last Star by Rick Yancey FINALLY! I downloaded it as soon as I woke up this morning and got started on it.

Thinking about...

Putting yourself out there.

The weekend! Two three day weekends in a row!! 


 That my house sells.

Making me happy...

Field day! It was fun watching kiddo with his classmates all day. And as long as we were in the shade it wasn't too hot.


What's currently making you happy?

1 comment:

  1. We just had a three-day weekend, and I'm bummed it's over. I mean, I'm home with the baby, but it's soooo nice having the hubs home too. Ah well. I just finished THE WINNER'S KISS this past week. I wish I'd savoured it in bigger reading sessions instead of picking it up and putting it down here and there. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it far more had that been the case. I hope you're loving it! I didn't realize you were selling your house. Are you guys moving to another town or just to another house? Hope that all goes well. :-) Have a great week, Mandie!
