Ready? Set. Write! is a way for writers to keep in touch with each other and keep themselves accountable to the goals they set. This year it's hosted by Katy Upperman, Alison Miller, Jamie Morrow and Erin Funk. Check out their blogs for more details and be sure to link up each week.
1). How I did on last weeks goals?
First 5 chapters are revised! I should have more done but I did have to write two completely new chapters and change a ton to the other three. But I did read 3 books.
2). My goals for this week
Revise as much as possible. Still not putting a number goal because some chapters need more than others. And read 1-2 books.
3). A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised
Small scene between my MC and her older brother.
"Bout time," Shawn says as he walks into the bathroom. "Oh, and Mom's looking for you. Someone's in trouuu-ble." He snickers as he leans against the door jam. At eighteen, he's a year older than me but still acts eight.
"Grow up, Shawn."
"What, it's not every day my baby sister gets sent to jail."
I shove his shoulder which throws him off balance. "I wasn't 'sent to jail'."
"Semantics," he says with a grin.
4). The biggest challenge I faced this week
Being tired. For some reason I couldn't get enough sleep. It would be time for bed and I wouldn't sleep and so the next day I'd be tired and it's hard to write when I'm that kind of tired.
5). Something I love about my WIP
See above scene. Ended up changing a plot so MC is arrested....I've had to ask a HS friend for help because I have NO IDEA what happens when you get arrested. Which, I guess, is a good thing for me but not my writing. HA!
I love that scene! It really makes me want to read more. Well done!