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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tune In Tuesday {18}

Tune In Tuesday is a fun weekly post hosted by Ginger at GReads.  It's a great way to see what kind of music other people are loving.  I’ve seen these around and just had to join in the fun.

I'm a little late with my post this week. I'm on vacation so I'm doing what any normal person on vacation would do; being lazy. And I'm loving it! Books, Twi-thon, hanging out with my boys, going to the national peanut festival. Wait, WHAT? A festival about PEANUTS?! Haha...yes, exactly what it sounds like. Peanuts are a HUGE crop around here. Local businesses even have peanut statues dressed up to represent them. Kinda of cute.

Anyway...I mention the NPF because it's related to my post. Along with fair food (funnel cakes FTW), rides and games they have live music. Tonight Uncle Kracker will be playing! While I'm not the biggest fan I do like his music. We'll see how it is live. I hope he plays my favorites.


  1. Oh man, I love Smile. I'm not a huge Uncle Kracker fan either, but you really can't dislike Smile. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I LOVE Uncle Kracker. In fact, when I was a little girl, my great grandma passed away. I remember going to the car with my cousin and putting his tape on. It was Follow Me that ultimately cheered us up. Love your picks this week <3
