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Saturday, October 29, 2011

So...I did it! I FINALLY got the the end of my WIP Dream Weaver (still a working title). It  needs revisions, but who cares, it says THE END! And it feels good. I was hoping to finish it days ago, but life, rather allergies, got in the way. Went to bed at 9 last night because my eyes were so bad I couldn't keep them open. Then I woke up around 2:30 and couldn't go back to sleep after trying to for an hour. I played around on my iPhone for a bit, but then thought "what the heck. No better time to write." So I did. Right now it sits just over 57K. I hope to add 3000 to 4000 more words (well, maybe more because I'm sure I'll end up deleting a bunch too). I'm aiming for around 60K.

Next plan is to read a book I've been recommended, "Self-Editing for Fiction Writers". Then I'll get to revisions. I also won a 50 page critique from an editor/author over the summer and should hear back from that at the beginning of November. That will come in handy (though I've already made changes to the beginning since I sent it...). I really can't wait to make it sparkle and shine.

Thanks to everyone who has encouraged me along the way. It's a long process, but well worth the wait.

Also..special thanks to my INCREDIBLE critique-rs! (Also known as Team Mason!) Keriann, Jamie H, Jamie M, Jess and Melanie! Y'all rock more than I can say!


  1. Yay! Yay! Yay! So so happy for you, MB! Isn't that a great feeling, writing those two little words?

    You did it!!

  2. I'm so happy & kinda sad because I don't want it to end. I realize it must but I'll miss Mason!

  3. OH YAY YAY YAYYYYYY!!!!! I'm so excited for you. Must be a surreal and awesome feeling to finish that first draft! I still owe you a critique on your other chapters - sorry I've been so behind on that.

  4. Love the "Team Mason"!! So happy for you! Can't wait to read it in print! :D

  5. CONGRATS!!! this is awesome :-) I can't wait to read this... give yourself a huge pat on the back.

  6. Thanks Jamie!
    Mel...wait til you read the end..HOLY SEQUEL BATNAB! ;0) worries, take your time.
    Thanks Jess! Me too!
    Thanks Ginger! I can't wait for you to read it too (also cringe at the idea of it's review..hehe). and I will! I did happy dance.


    BTW, great crit group you have there. I recognize a few of those names. :)

  8. Okay, I had no computer for a few days and then I come back to this!?@$@#!>!!>!@#@#$#^%# Mandie, YOU DID IT!!! There are no words to explain how incredibly happy I am that you made it to this point. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. Go you!!! :)
